An Archaeological Impact Assessment (AIA) identifies if archaeological resources are in conflict through visual inspection and subsurface testing prior to ground alteration.
This field visit, completed by a qualified archaeologist with one or two field assistants, will assess the entire area that could be impacted during construction. The assessment includes visual inspection to identify features with predictable archaeological potential, surface inspection of areas with exposed sediments for cultural materials, subsurface testing of terrain features exhibiting archaeological potential, and if under winter ground conditions, the thawing, screening and analysis of frozen sediment samples in the lab. A Heritage Inspection Permit is required to conduct an AIA as per the Archaeology Branch of BC and Section 14 of the Heritage Conservation Act. In the event that an archaeological site is found, the client will be contacted immediately to discuss avoidance, management and mitigation options.
After the field study has been completed, a report including associated findings must be prepared and submitted under the permit. If artifacts are found they must be collected and turned over to the designated museum. Heritage North will compile any information recovered during the field assessment into our data base which can be useful later for the client when applying for additional applications.