All proposed projects that will potentially impact the ground including oil and gas developments, roads, gravel pits, forestry cutblocks and the subdivision of land can require an archaeological assessment.
Archaeological Overview Assessments (AOAs) are completed using desktop studies, maps, documented and database research that is intended to identify and assess heritage resources in an area while the project is still in the planning stages. Heritage North does an in-house review for known archaeological sites using Remote Access to Archaeological Data (RAAD). The Predictive Peace AOA model, Heritage North’s own predictive model, and knowledge from previously assessed projects in the area are used to determine if predictable archaeological concern is present.
Using this heritage resource management information can avoid costly revisions and re-surveying later on during the project development process. AOAs can include recommendations to avoid known archaeological sites, areas of high archaeological potential with relocation to areas of low archaeological potential, and the need for an archaeological field assessment. This can help prevent unnecessary costs while conducting both large and small scale projects. If the AOA identifies any areas of archaeological concern, an archaeological field assessment is needed.